Thursday, December 13, 2012

Wet Saturday; When is it Going to Snow?

Image from
A low pressure system is expected to pass almost directly through the area this weekend. Confidence is very high that this system will be all rain. The surface temperature is too warm, and soundings are showing an atmosphere too warm for snow. To the left is the UKMET model showing the high thickness values and the placement of the 994 mb low. Plain rain is expected this weekend-- no thunder.

Image from NWS

A cease in weather action is expected Monday - Wednesday. A ridge of high pressure will pass through the region temporarily before the approach of a new system. Precipitation type is very uncertain, but the model consensus is showing the system to reach SE Wisconsin by Thursday.  To the right is the 12z GFS model for Thursday. It shows a fairly weak low with warm temperatures and little precipitation.

The Euro is showing a snowier solution, which is promising. The GFS isn't having an impressive Winter 2012 resume so far... the Euro has been more consistent. This system is still nearly one week out, so the current forecast is bound to change. Stay tuned as we near Thursday.

. . . .

When is the next chance for snow? The models are not giving us much love-- with not much snow activity before Christmas. We'll have to watch the next couple weeks closely, but, at this point in time, the chance for a white Christmas is low (unless that Thursday system mentioned above can give us some snow that will last until the 25th).

Thanks for reading!


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