Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Several Snow Chances Approaching

There are several chances for snow in the forecast, and this update will be highlighting some of those systems. Thanks for reading!

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The first chance for snow will occur on Friday.  Due to the warm air, we are expecting to see showers first before transitioning over to a mix. A couple models are showing a possible transition to all snow during the weekend, but we'll have to watch the latest soundings to see if the thermodynamics will support such a change. Minor accumulations are possible with this disturbance, and will depend on if we do change to an all-snow event during the weekend. 

18z GFS run (Model from NWS/ NOAA)

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The second chance for snow will be early next week as a shortwave trough enters. Cooler air is expected with this system, so an all-snow event is very possible. Since this system is nearly one week away, there is very much uncertainty. As for the GFS, today's 0z run showed a large snowstorm for the region, with a potential for a 1-2 punch. Below is the 0z model for Tuesday.

(Model from NWS/ NOAA)

As I said before, there is much uncertainty with this system, proven by the fact that the 6z, 12z, and 18z models all pushed the storm away from us.

This is just one model that I'm showing you. While I'm not going to post every single model type and run, other models are trending toward a potential snowstorm early next week. For example, the DGEX is currently projecting snow. 

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Other chances for snow are also possible later this month, but they are still very far away, and will most likely change.


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